Friday, February 18, 2011

Graffiti in Bulgaria


One distinct and so far unique feature about the cities in Bulgaria is the abundance of graffiti. In some areas is seems like there is graffiti on every wall and surface, from the ground all the way to as high as an arm can reach! Graffiti may be a touchy subject for some and I know a lot of people think of it as an eyesore, but as a visitor the graffiti I saw seemed to add some color and creativity to otherwise drab and blank concrete surfaces. I know people can argue intensely about weather graffiti is artwork or vandalism but sometimes I just thought it looked cool!

Here are some pictures of graffiti (and some legitimate wall art) that I found while exploring Sofia. I think I liked the graffiti in Plovdiv more, but unfortunately I didn’t have my camera at that time. Since I can’t speak Bulgarian or read the Cyrillic alphabet I apologize if there are any inappropriate messages in these pictures! Please let me know if you notice anything.