Sunday, January 9, 2011

What Are You Eating?

Probably the most common question I get when I’m lucky enough to touch base with friends and family is something like, “What are you eating?” or “Eaten anything good lately?”

They’re good questions! But I sometimes have trouble remembering where I was a few days ago, much less what I manage to find for breakfast, wherever it is I happened to be. So, I eventually decided that I would take pictures of all the meals that I tried while traveling. Then I could put all the pictures together and have a pretty good survey of all of the different types of food I was able to seek out and experience on my trip.

Then, after a while, I realized that since I usually have my camera on me or close by all the time, why not just take pictures of everything that I’m eating? This includes ‘boat meals’ - regular meals that we eat onboard which are nowhere near as exciting as some of the things we’ve been able to find ashore.

So I began a mission to photograph every breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, beverage, desert, appetizer, whatever, that I ate. It sounds easy enough but I have to admit that I haven’t done a perfect job. Sometimes it's raining and I can’t get to my camera, or I’m on the move or in a really crowded place, or it's too dark outside, or I’m just too lazy to walk 5 feet to grab my camera. So there are quite a few things missing. Also, I didn’t include second, or third, helpings. That could just be embarrassing!

So here it is; a survey of almost all the food that I’ve eaten since starting this trip in September. You’ll notice that some of the meals don’t look appetizing at all; blame that on poor photography! Almost all of the food tasted better than it looks on camera.

I’ll keep taking pictures of what I’m eating and in another few months or so I should have another, better, food survey.